After years of legal battles, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has recommended downlisting Texas’ beloved golden-cheeked warbler from “endangered” to “threatened.” This decision yanks on the thread to unravel decades of hard-fought protections for the bird, whose habitat is rapidly vanishing due to rampant land development and devastating climate change. An Abridged History
In the coming months there will be a public comment period, so stay tuned. This heinous decision puts a spotlight on a larger issue we cannot ignore: in the coming years, the challenges we face will intensify. But we are not powerless, and SOS is working with researchers to show the warblers shrinking numbers and habitat. Please donate to SOS to ensure the golden-cheeked warbler—and the biodiversity it represents—remains protected. Together, we can make data, science, and collective action tools for resistance. Hays Commons Makes No Sense: New Planning Commission Date Set for January 28thUPDATE on Hays Commons: New Planning Commission Date Set for January 28thIf you have written to the Planning Commission to oppose the harmful Hays Commons Development and its request for an amendment to the Save Our Springs Initiative Ordinance, THANK YOU. We received word that the item will be postponed by the Planning Commission until January 28th at 6 PM at Austin City Hall (301 W. 2nd Street). Speakers must register by 5:30 PM on Jan. 28th. The Good News: This delay, requested by the developer MileStone Community Builders, gives us more time to organize and voice our concerns. The Bad News: Milestone won't take "NO" as an answer. We need your help to prevent the extension of water and wastewater utility lines to the area, which will drastically increase development and environmental harm in an area that the City of Austin has spent millions trying to protect. The proposed development, Hays Commons, poses risks to the water quality of the Edwards Aquifer and Barton Springs. If approved, it could set a dangerous precedent for how Austin manages development in the Recharge Zone. How You Can Help1. Contact the Planning Commission: Use this extra time to urge them to reject MileStone's amendment request. Emphasize the risks to water quality and the importance of protecting our natural resources. The more personal the comments, the better! 2. Mark Your Calendar: Plan to attend the meeting on January 28th and speak out. We’ll provide registration details as the date approaches. A Facebook event invitation is linked below if you need a reminder.
3. Stay Informed: For ongoing updates and more information, visit our linktree: We linked the presentation from our community meeting held on January 7, 2025. Together, we can protect our springs and aquifer. Let’s show the Planning Commission that our community stands united against sprawl over the Recharge Zone! Austin Environmental Democrats Endorse Against Hays CommonsOn Friday, January 10, 2025, the Austin Environmental Democrats joined the Save Our Springs Alliance, Save Barton Creek Association, Austin Chapter of the Sierra Club, Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance, and Hays Residents for Land and Water Protection in opposing the Hays Commons development and its request for City water and wastewater utilities. Note: SOS is a non-partisan organization. This is shared only to announce that another group has joined the fight against Hays Commons. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DETAILS: When: January 28th at 6 PM Where: Austin City Hall (301 W. 2nd Street). Important: Speakers must register by 5:30 PM on Jan. 28th. Comments are closed.
January 2025
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