Three Important Items On This Week’s Austin City Council Agenda
Slipping on Water Conservation! Raising Barriers to Direct Democracy! Demolishing the Historic Zilker Park Bridge over Barton Creek! The number of potentially harmful items on this Thursday’s City Council agenda is nothing short of staggering. Among 99 items, 77 are set for the “consent” agenda, to be pushed through with little or no discussion by the Council, voted as part of one sweeping council vote, on items that commit literally billions of dollars of city funds. The “consent agenda” is also where our Mayor and Council would restrict public speakers to speaking no more than a total of 2 minutes no matter how many items they wish to address. SOS is back in court this afternoon seeking to stop this practice for the coming weeks while our lawsuit under the Texas Open Meetings Act and the Austin City Charter moves forward. This week’s consent agenda includes several items being fast-tracked, with the potential to do real harm to Austin’s health and sustainability. Many can’t tell what they mean because the posting language is vague, the supporting backup information is skeletal, or the public does not had the time to research them. Here we summarize the 3 most important items: a major threat to our water supply; an attack on functional local democracy; and an $11.6 million dollar push to destroy the historic Zilker Park bridge over Barton Creek and replace it with a giant, ugly bridge. Save Our Water: Please write or sign up to speak against Agenda Items 4, 5, 6, and 7, which all concern the Austin Water Utility’s water conservation and drought contingency plans. The proposed, state-required City water conservation and drought contingency plans go backwards on our City’s commitment to matching population growth with increases in water savings and reuse so that our total water use stays flat, as it has for decades. This proposal comes in the middle of a major drought and at a time when Water Utility leaders know that our Highland Lakes water supply is dwindling and is becoming less climate resilient. Our community-driven Water Forward Task Force refused to endorse this rushed-through push to abandon essential water conservation programs. Austin Water Utility staff gave the Task Force members a whopping 2 hours to read and vote on these updates to our water management plans. The proposals remove the administrative review process and increase the gallons per capita per day goal from 119 to 123 within a five-year period, when we need to be setting and pursuing aggressive goals to reduce our water use to below 100 gallons per capita per day as soon as possible. Save Our Rights to Direct Democracy: Currently, the Austin City Charter provides reasonable thresholds for petition signatures required to place voter-initiated ballot measures before Austin voters. This is how Austin voters overwhelming approved the Save Our Springs ordinance. Our charter also sets a reasonable threshold for voter signatures to place a recall of a Council Member before the voters. Both of these signature requirements are quite high: voter initiatives are rare and recall petitions almost never occur. But, they are both critical checks on our City Council powers when there is abuse or gridlock because of undue influence of monied interests. These voter-led initiatives have been catalysts for change beyond their initial purpose, bringing in more voices to Austin's democracy. This is evident in the environmental reforms that followed the SOS ordinance in the 90s, and the renewed focus on equity and geographic fairness that followed the 10-1 Council Representation effort. The SOS ordinance would have never happened by city council action. Now a City Charter review commission, appointed by the City Council with strong direction to raise the signature requirements for citizen initiative and council recall petition to prohibitive levels, has recommend proposed city charter amendments to do just that. City Staff has now piled on with recommendations to erect other roadblocks to direct citizen participation in city governance. We need your help to send the message to “vote no” and to “leave the Charter alone.” On Thursday, the Austin City Council will decide whether to place the suggested charter amendments on the November 2024 ballot. Please urge the City Council to reject these amendments and tell them not to increase barriers to direct democracy! Save Our Historic Zilker Park Bridge: Item 69 calls on Council to vote whether or not to authorize an exorbitant $11 million budget towards demolishing the historic Zilker Park Barton Springs Road Bridge over Barton Creek. Council knows the historic bridge is in good shape and can be maintained in perpetuity for a tiny fraction of the cost. The proposed replacement bridge is a giant, ugly bridge -- with a price tag likely to double along the way. Once again the City staff prepared backup completely failed to mention that the bridge is a recognized, key element of the Zilker Park National Register Historic District. SOS opposes this unnecessary demolition, and we support increasing bike and pedestrian access to Zilker Park parallel to the Zilker Park Historic Bridge, by expanding the existing bike/ped bridge or adding a new one. This can be done for a few million dollars and a fraction of the damage to the creek and park. We understand this is a lot of bad news to take action on, and we have created a targeted email form for you to share your concerns to Council directly. Victory in the Courtroom: Protecting Lady Bird Lake and Taxpayers' Dollars We're thrilled to share the news that Honorable Judge Mangrum has ruled in our favor! As you recall, SOS argued to prevent the City of Austin from funneling $354 million in taxpayer funds into the hands of developers eyeing the south shore of Lady Bird Lake. This victory is a significant win for both Austin and for ensuring the responsible use of public funds. Read the story and related coverage in the Austin Bulldog HERE. Our fight alongside Taxpayers Against Giveaways, former State Senator Gonzalo Barrientos, former Austin City Councilmember Ora Houston, and Faye Holland has centered on protecting public parkland, preserving Lady Bird Lake, and ensuring our tax dollars are used wisely. A big thank you to our "friends of the court," Go! Austin/Vamos! Austin (GAVA), and People Organized in Defense of Earth and Her Resources (PODER), for their unwavering support throughout this process. While we celebrate this victory – there may be an appeal from the city. Stay tuned for updates on this ruling. Please consider a donation to support these important efforts to protect Lady Bird Lake, shorefront park land, and our tax dollars. Continuing the Fight: Threats to Southshore Waterfront While we celebrate this victory, our work is far from over. Lady Bird Lake faces imminent threats that require our attention and action. The City of Austin’s proposed zoning changes to the South Central Waterfront area and changes to the existing Waterfront Overlay, which currently protects the area around Lady Bird Lake, poses significant risks to the ecological health and public accessibility of this cherished natural resource. Despite its importance, “Almost all of the South Central Waterfront is paved, both riparian corridors are severely constricted, and there is very little consideration given to stormwater management. As a result, the water quality and habitats around Lady Bird Lake and Bouldin Creek suffer, and the natural beauty of the district remains largely hidden.” This is a direct quote from the South Central Waterfront Vision Framework. The Vision Framework also recognizes that the “riparian areas are vital to the overall ecological functioning of the” area, referring to these green spaces as the “the last line of defense of for [Lady Bird Lake] against pollutants.” Unfortunately, there is very little connection between the need for additional ecological protections in the Vision Framework and the harmful zoning changes proposed in the draft Combining District and Density Bonus Program. The proposed regulations bring drastic changes to the south side of Lady Bird Lake, with the potential for the tallest towers in Austin alongside Barton Springs Road. Included with the proposal are: 1. No Height Limits; 2. Up to 24:1 FAR (floor-to-area ratios); 3. Increased impervious cover (up to 85%); and 4. Modifications to the Waterfront Overlay setbacks. The proposed regulations also drastically shrink the protections in Waterfront Overlay and essentially extend Downtown Austin across the river. This is particularly dismaying since the Waterfront Overlay was established both to protect Lady Bird Lake (Colorado River) and associated parkland from overdevelopment and to ensure that it remains a publicly accessible resource for the residents of Austin. The South Shore District was intended to retain a more natural aesthetic, focusing on parks and recreational uses, so that the public could continue to enjoy the urban oasis that has defined our City for decades. Modification of the Waterfront Overlay is being taken too lightly, privatizing space that was intended to be protected, and reducing the natural buffer zones that the Waterfront Overlay was intended to protect so that the water quality and ecological systems of Lady Bird Lake would remain. We are asking the City Council to reconsider this proposal. Here are the SOS recommendations:
We urge you to write to the City Council and express your concerns about the proposed regulations. Together, let's ensure that Lady Bird Lake remains a vibrant urban oasis for Austinites for generations to come. SOS Sues Mayor and Council in Defense of Fair Public TestimonyOn Friday, April 5th, Save Our Springs Alliance held our elected officials accountable by filing a lawsuit against Austin Mayor Kirk Watson and the Austin City Council. Our legal action stems from their violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA), which mandates that members of the public be allowed to speak to the Council on any posted council items on the agenda. Last week, we amended our lawsuit to include a claim that the Austin City Council is also violating the Austin City Charter and its own adopted procedures for allowing public input. We firmly believe that every citizen deserves the opportunity to address the council on matters that affect our community. Our allies stand with us in this fight for justice. "It's already difficult for every day, hardworking Austinites to access public hearings. When they leave their job, caretaking duties, or precious time off to participate in city government, they deserve their full time to speak." Carmen D. Llanes, Executive Director Go! Austin/Vamos! Austin (GAVA) "PODER supports the struggle for equal rights, and we believe that the SOS lawsuit against the Austin City Council’s violation of TOMA leads to the path of justice." Susana Almanza, People Organized in Defense of Earth and Her Resources (PODER) We cannot allow our elected officials to disregard the law and our voices - which are the concerns of their constituents and should be their highest priority. The actions of Mayor Watson and the City Council are not only disappointing but also a violation of our fundamental rights. As we seek immediate relief from the Travis County District Court, we urge you to join us in this crucial fight. Your voice matters, and together, we can ensure transparency and accountability in local governance. Read the full Austin Monitor article HERE and share it with friends and family who strive to protect our right to address the issues most pressing to our communities. We will not be silenced. Join us NEXT Saturday 4/27 for an incredible opportunity for a hike down the Hill of Life and a (optional) swim at Sculpture Falls with award-winning journalist and writer Ed Crowell! Crowell is the author of Barton Creek (2019) published by Texas A&M University Press, a one-of-a-kind work that takes the reader on a quest to discover the enigmatic origins of Barton Creek. Crowell’s book begins at the "end," the iconic waters of Barton Springs Pool and journeys upstream from there. Readers are along for the ride as Crowell visits landowners and discusses the political battles and public referendums that resulted in land and water protections since the 1960s. If you love Barton Springs and Barton Creek, then don’t miss this opportunity to meet one of Austin's best contemporary cultural historians! Only 12 spots available--Sign up today! Your involvement to preserve Austin's natural resources and vibrant communities is crucial. Thank you for standing with us to protect our waters, our wildlife, and our democracy!
In Gratitude, SOS Alliance Phase II of the H.O.M.E. initiative is headed back to the Austin City Council. A joint public hearing will be held on Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 9am. Online Speaker Registration is now open. Registration for remote speaking closes TODAY, Wed., April 10 th at 12pm. In-person speakers may register at an on-site kiosk at City Hall between 12pm on Wed., April 10th until Thurs., Apr. 11th, at 8:15am. The proposed amendments include reducing minimum lot sizes for single-family residents to 2,000 sf (from 5,750 sf); reducing minimum lot width to 20 ft (from 50ft); removing McMansion compatibility standards for small lots; making it easier to establish flag lots (irregularly shaped lots); and increasing zoning impervious cover to 45% for some lots. Collectively, these amendments will help developers maximize the development potential of each lot. Yet notably, the code modifications lack enhanced protections for trees and mitigation for drainage, localized flooding concerns, and creek erosion that result from increased impervious cover. They also lack equity considerations for neighborhoods vulnerable to displacement and gentrification. These code amendments are being paired with several other development regulation changes, including massive increases of entitlements along commercial corridors. Information about the April 11th public hearing, including draft ordinances, can be accessed here: These zoning change will result in more flooding, reduced green spaces, increased urban heat, and hastened gentrification, impacting all of Austin.
As you may be aware, Save Our Springs Alliance filed a federal lawsuit challenging TxDOT's failure to consider air quality and water quality problems associated with the highway expansion. Alongside Rethink35, PODER, Austin Justice Coalition, and several other environmental and neighborhood groups, we are trying to force consideration of a more environmentally responsible alternative that helps heal the divides the highway has created. Please join this coalition in requesting the CAMPO Policy Board to redirect the region's limited transportation dollars to smarter alternatives that will better improve mobility and safety for the region's commuters. Write a letter or attend the public hearing. Thank you for taking the time to read through these important updates and calls for your collective action. Your support and engagement are crucial in advocating for smarter alternatives and addressing the pressing issues facing our community, from transportation funding to zoning changes. If you're able, please consider supporting our efforts by making a donation. In Solidarity, SOS Alliance Last Thursday, the TCEQ Commissioners voted to limit the amount of phosphorus in the City of Liberty Hill’s wastewater discharge into the South San Gabriel River to 20 micrograms per liter. The decision came after a years long battle between residents along the South San Gabriel River and the City to stop pollution coming from the City’s wastewater treatment plant that made the river unusable and unsafe for recreation. The problems faced by the San Gabriel River threaten all of our Texas Hill Country streams. The streams have very low levels of phosphorus, somewhere around 5 to 9 micrograms per liter. And decades of scientific research on the streams has shown that harmful nuisance algae blooms and changes in the aquatic ecosystems occur when phosphorus levels reach 15 to 20 micrograms per liter. Even with this science and the law prohibiting the degradation of the streams, TCEQ has routinely issued wastewater discharge permits that allow the discharge of wastewater containing phosphorus levels as high as 150 microgram per liter, 500 micrograms per liter, and sometimes even 1000 micrograms per liter. TCEQ’s practice of permitting high levels of phosphorus pollution in wastewater discharges has led to some Hill Country streams, like the South San Gabriel River, being choked with algae blooms that harm wildlife and people. SOS is hopeful that TCEQ’s decision on the City of Liberty Hill permit will protect the river and will set an example of following the law and science to limit wastewater discharges and phosphorus pollution into our Texas Hill Country streams. However, SOS will not stop working to challenge wastewater discharge permits until polluting our streams becomes an outdated relic of the past. With your help, we can continue to push for clean water and hold polluters accountable. Please consider a donation today to support this important work! DONATE TO SOS Recently, South Austinites have witnessed the gradual degradation of Mystery Creek, a small tributary of Little Turtle Creek—a waterway that eventually merges into Williamson Creek. A critical moment for Mystery Creek is eminent, and we need your help. On Tuesday, April 9 at 6:00 PM, the City Planning Commission will review Rastegar Development's request to rezone the area through which Mystery Creek flows. Approval of this rezoning would allow the diversion of Mystery Creek into the City’s Storm Drain system, paving the way for construction right on top of its natural path—an action we strongly oppose. That surface water belongs in Little Turtle Creek, not in concrete, underground. There are two pending cases:
Your voice matters. Please sign up to speak at the hearing by Noon on Monday, April 8th. Time is of the essence, and although the notice is short, your participation is crucial in preserving our community. Below is the Planning Commission’s response form for your convenience. If you can spare a few minutes to submit the short form, let them know you want to Save Mystery Creek and deny the zoning changes until a determination on Mystery Creek has been made. Even the tiniest tributary of Williamson Creek is still precious. Nature is not the enemy. Thank you for your swift action in protecting our precious streams. Trinity Aquifer Overuse The Proposed Silver Creek/Lunaroya Development from Nashville area Southern Land Company (SLC) has requested to withdraw 37 acre feet per year from the Lower Trinity aquifer, for 29 homes and a community space. The large ask is because they want to run the entire water supply through reverse osmosis filtration, wasting an estimated 65% of what they draw out, and producing effluent so full of mineral salts that it is toxic to plants and becomes a disposal problem. The groundwater district's recent study shows the Lower Trinity is ancient water, with no recharge at all. Hays Trinity Groundwater District's draft permit, due to be discussed at a public hearing TODAY, Thursday, April 4th at 5 pm at Sunset Canyon Baptist Church, proposes to supply only 3.2 acre feet/year. We would love a strong turnout to let SLC know we are paying attention to water overuse, and to thank HTGCD for being a strong advocate for our aquifer. The TX legislature is watching the GCDs to see how far they can take their authority; public support really matters. SLC has secured a surface water backup contract with West Travis County PUA, contingent upon the Double L/Anarene neighborhood being built out. It may be years before the lines are available to get the water to them, if at all, so they are likely to contest this draft permit. We are pleased the groundwater district is taking a hard stand on this, and would like to give them a public show of support for their protection of our groundwater. If you are able to attend, are concerned about your own well, and/or are willing to speak about that, or on behalf of either the district's prudence or the viability of rainwater use instead of groundwater, please do!
We hope to see you in person at one of these upcoming events!
Thursday, April 4th, 5 pm, Public Hearing: Hays Trinity Groundwater District Draft Permit Location: Sunset Canyon Baptist Church 4000 US-290, Dripping Springs, TX 78620. Proposed supply of 3.2 acre feet/year versus the request for 37 acre feet per year. Strong turnout needed to address water overuse concerns and support HTGCD's advocacy efforts. Tuesday, April 9th, 6 pm, City Planning Commission Reviewing Mystery Creek Rezoning Request, Location: City Hall, Council Chamber. Rezoning approval would divert Mystery Creek into the storm drain system for construction. Zoning changes permanent, sign up to speak by Noon on Monday, April 8th to preserve Mystery Creek! Friday and Saturday, April 12 & 13, 7pm, Forklift Danceworks Presents The Way of Water: Onion Creek, Performance highlighting Onion Creek watershed and stewardship efforts, featuring immersive audio walk and dance on restored urban floodplain. Directed by Allison Orr and Krissie Marty. Read more and purchase tickets or sign up to volunteer at this link Sunday, April 21st, 1-6 pm, Mystery Creek & Lost Creeks Block Party Location: 300 block of Red Bird Lane. Featuring live music, solar-powered stage, food & drink, kid’s area. Special guest Jim Franklin supplying artwork for event t-shirt. Saturday, April 27th, 9am-12:30pm, SOS Eco-tour with Ed Crowell (Author of Barton Creek) Discover the hidden stories and environmental challenges of Barton Creek with longtime resident and journalist Ed Crowell as we hike the Hill of Life and swim in the refreshing flows of Sculpture Falls. SOS charters another fun-filled hike / swim adventure. Purchase Eco-tour tickets here! This month is bustling with activity, and we're truly grateful for your continued engagement and support. Thank you for being an integral part of this thriving community of activists and water lovers. Together, we achieve so much more. With heartfelt appreciation, SOS Alliance |
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